Friday Stations during Lent (in the church)
5:00 pm Family Friendly Stations
6:00 pm Rosary
6:30 pm Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross for Our Times have been devised by the Faith Development Services Team at the request of the Vicars Forane of the diocese of Kildare & Leighlin in Dublin, Ireland. They offered these Stations as a resource for use by parishes during the Season of Lent or on Good Friday with the hope that the content of these resources will help our parish communities reflect on some of the many issues that challenge and concern us at this time. We, at St. Bernadette, adapted them slightly to reflect our community and our needs. The sung response given at the end of each Station is taken from the well known spiritual song ‘Were You There’. The images of the Stations of the Cross that accompany each written reflection are the work of Ken Cooke and were sourced from the Church of St. George the Martyr in Newbury. These images are used with the kind permission of Rev Paul Cowan. Please feel free to use the above pdf (click on “Stations of the Cross for our Times”) to follow and pray along with the video.
Follow along with the Faith Formation Team as we pray the Stations of the Cross in the Church alongside beautiful sacred art!