Faith Sharing Small Groups are comprised of adults at all stages of faith who experience a lifelong conversion to Christ through learning the essential teachings of Scripture and the Catholic church in bible study, spiritual readings, and apostolic service.
Small Faith Sharing Groups are not new. The Church, from the beginning, thrived among small groups of disciples. Jesus began with 12 Apostles. St. Paul often refers to small groups of disciples.
If you would like us to provide additional information and resources for your current Faith Sharing Small Group, assist you with starting a new small group with your friends or family, or have any questions, please contact Laura Breaux, Director of Spiritual Life. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.
If you are not part of a group and would like to be part of a Small Faith Sharing Community, click HERE to fill out the inquiry form.
Preparing for the Jubilee Year of Hope
Pope Francis designated 2024 as a year to prayerfully prepare our hearts and minds for the Jubilee Year of Hope. The Spiritual Life Committee (SLC) chose the Pope's book, On Hope, as the focus of faith sharing in small groups to prepare for the upcoming Jubilee Year of Hope. The book is available on Amazon for about $12, or you can go to the Vatican website ( and download the 14 articles that have been compiled into the book, entitled On Hope.