Please join us for a parish orientation especially designed for individuals interested in joining the parish and for those who are newly registered. Come and meet fellow parishioners, learn about parish ministries and take a walking tour of the grounds. If you are unable to make the scheduled orientation, please know that we are more than happy to share information about the parish and take you on a walking tour of the grounds at an alternate time. Please contact Suzanne Staron at 281-486-0337 x110 for the date of the next orientation.
Have you been away from the active practice of your faith for a while? Welcome back. Please know how welcome you are to re-explore your faith among the St. Bernadette Church parish community.
Our priests would be happy to meet with you. Call the parish office at 281-486-0337 and ask to speak with Fr. Bob Barras, Pastor to schedule an appointment.
Please join us. Everyone is Welcome! The parish offers large print missalettes and music books, headphones for sound amplification, accessible seating, electric door, accessible restrooms and water fountains and an accepting and friendly environment.