The drop downs below will give you more information, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email Christopher Sentmanat at [email protected]
Welcome to Whole Family Catechesis here at St. Bernadette Catholic Church! For our 2024-2025 season we will have all of our gatherings on campus with an available home-study option if you prefer.
Whole Family Catechesis is the method of Faith Formation practiced here at St. Bernadette Catholic Church. We believe that the family is the primary context in which faith formation takes place. With Whole Family Catechesis as our model, we at St. Bernadette will support you and your family in your journey of faith formation.
High School Catechesis will use a variety of diocesan approved resources in which we, along with our volunter catechists and you the parent as primary catechist, can best echo the faith and accompany the high school youth in their journey towards Jesus Christ.
We want to offer your family our two available tracks: In-Person or Family-Hybrid
To find out more about what the Family-Hybrid option is, please Click Here
To Register for Whole Family Catechesis for your High School Youth, please CLICK HERE
Sunday to Sunday:
Join Jason in a reflection of the upcoming Sunday readings on Zoom
Click HERE to find out more and join on Zoom
Wednesday Evenings
7pm to 8pm on Zoom
Tuesday Class:
Join Jason as you watch and discuss the content of a variety of special series from Bishop Barron, the St. Paul Center, and more!
10am to 11am in the Marius Room
7pm to 8pm in the Marius Room
(Both times cover the same material)
Find out everything that is happening with Adult Faith at St. Bernadette HERE
Sept. 17th | Catechist Formation Day |
Oct. 8th | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 15th | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 22nd | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 29th | Morning/Afternoon |
Dec. 3rd | Advent - Afternoon Only - PLC and Gym |
Dec. 10th | Morning/Afternoon |
Dec. 17th | Lessons and Carols |
Jan. 21st | Morning/Afternoon |
Jan. 28th | Morning/Afternoon |
Feb. 4th | Lent - Afternoon Only - PLC and Gym |
Feb. 18th | Morning/Afternoon |
Feb. 25th | Morning/Afternoon |
Mar. 24th | Stations of the Cross - Afternoon Only, PLC Only |
Apr. 14th | Morning/Afternoon |
Apr. 28th | Morning/Afternoon |
May 5th | May Crowning After All Masses |
Aug. 18th | Catechist Workshop |
Sep. 8th | Parent Meeting |
Sep. 15th | Morning/Afternoon |
Sep. 22nd | Morning/Afternoon |
Sep. 29th | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 6th | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 20th | Morning/Afternoon |
Oct. 27th | Morning/Afternoon |
Nov. 3rd | Morning/Afternoon |
Nov. 17th | Advent - Afternoon Only - PLC |
Dec. 8th | Morning/Afternoon |
Dec. 15th | Lessons and Carols |
Jan. 12th | Morning/Afternoon |
Jan. 26th | Morning/Afternoon |
Feb. 2nd | Morning/Afternoon |
Feb. 9th | At Home Circle of Grace Lesson |
Feb. 23rd | Morning/Afternoon (depending on Gala) |
Mar. 2nd | Lent - Afternoon Only - PLC |
Mar. 9th | Morning/Afternoon |
Mar. 30th | Stations of the Cross - Afternoon Only |
Apr. 6th | Morning/Afternoon |
Apr. 13th | Morning/Afternoon |
Apr. 27th | Morning/Afternoon |
May 4th | May Crowning After All Masses |
Information on Non-Sunday Youth Ministry Activities Coming Soon!!!
Brave the Wilderness is a multi-parish summer camp for High School Youth to deepen their faith and have FUN!
More information will be placed here soon. To find out more, watch the promotional video here!
Click Here!
The Archdiocesan Youth Conference is a weekend conference for High School Youth with dynamic speakers, praise and worship, Mass and Adoration, and so much more! There will be information for next year's conference coming soon.
To find out more, watch the promotional video:
Click Here!
Our main form of communication across all of Faith Formation will be electronically through Evangelus. If you are not already receiving Evangelus messages, please send an email to
Marianne Bartos at [email protected]