The Family is a proclamation of faith in that it is the natural place in which faith
can be lived in a simple and spontaneous manner
-Directory for Catechesis 227
This page is the general page where you can find information on what the home study option we are offering here at St. Bernadette can look like for your family: Family-Hybrid Option
Before continuing we encourage all families to strongly consider the Sunday option of Faith Formation. The Family-Hybrid Option is for families that cannot work Sunday Faith Formation into their family schedule. In other words, Family-Hybrid Option is an exeption to the norm.
In the past, traditional home study models have sent home physical resources to be done at home, with either paper or online assessments to be taken that are grade level specific. The new model below describes a strategy that is family and high school youth specific.
A Family-Hybrid Option is focused on the faith formation of your youth in the context of the Catholic Home which is the Domestic Church. In this model we want to offer your youth and family 3 things to give them a wholistic approach to their journey of coming to know and love Jesus Christ and the Traditions of the Catholic Church
1. Resources and content that can be done at home
2. Regular Family meetings to get to know your family and your youth (frequency of meetings determined on a family by family basis)
3. An invitation to Youth Ministry Events held at the parish for an opportuntity for community building and peer-to-peer relationships
These 3 components will be the basic outline of your Family Plan (see below) which will be the basis of the Faith Formation for your High School Youth not only in their preparation for their Sacraments, if they so desire, but for their life-long formation.
We want to help your family and youth develop a plan based off the model (3 components) above that is going to make sure your youth has good quality catechetical content in a way that is engaging for them (paper, online, videos, activities etc) and then talk about the types of parish opportunties your family and youth would like to be invovled in (helping Christian Action, being a part of the Lenten Soup Suppers, going to the Stations of the Cross, attending a High School Bible Study, going on retreats etc).
Based off of those, we will develop together a Family Plan which will be the process of faith formation that best fits your youth and your families needs.
Throughout the year there will be High School Youth Events held along with service opportunities and we will offer them up as opportunities to build community among other High Schoolers and, depending on the event, other families as well. Stay Tuned!
It is absolutely true that communication is key.
We want to make sure you have the information necessary, no matter what form is best for you! We will offer you a variety of opportunities to get the information you need to know about through:
1. Email/Evangelus Newsletter will be our main form of communication through email
Other forms of Communication:
2. Conversations in our family meetings
3. Bulletin Announcements - will be used especially for parish opportunities
4. Website - Here you will find resources that I will put together for you for each month
If you have any questions and would like to meet before registering for either the Sunday Option or the Family-Hybrid Option, please feel free to send Christopher an email if you would like to talk more about what will be best for your family.
You can schedule a meeting Here
Or please send Christopher an email at [email protected]
If you've set up a meeting (go to the tab above) then you can go ahead and click on the button below that will take you to the resources page for that Month while you wait for your next scheduled meeting to talk about the resources and your Family Plan.