All Core Team Leaders, Catechists, and Assistants will provide a loving Christian atmosphere within the classroom, so that youth will be able to learn and recognize that they are special children of God. They are also positive Christian role models who are prepared to teach and discuss the designated curriculum.
All Leaders, Assistants, and Volunteers will have completed either the VIRTUS or the CMGConnect Online Training Program, as required by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops), and St. Bernadette Parish. All individuals listed above must have submitted to a criminal background check through the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston prior to ministry or volunteer service. In addition, all individuals listed above must complete the mandatory renewal training upon the 5-year anniversary of the prior training, and submit to a new criminal background check as a condition of continued ministry or volunteer service. Parent phone numbers and e-mail addresses may be provided to the catechists, core team, and aides. They will be used strictly for Faith Formation communications, and be done in conformity with the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Policy as outlined in the CMGConnect online training program.
The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston currently offers two online safe environment training programs through Catholic Mutual Group (CMG).
1. The initial training, "Safe Environment MANDATORY Training - Safe Haven Training" which includes a short video series entitled 'Safe Haven, It's Up to You" must be completed prior to the start of employment and/or volunteer service. It is a three-part video series that provides vignettes of real-life situations to educate the viewer about methods of grooming, desensitization, bullying, and neglect of minors, all of which can lead to abuse. Each part of the video series is immediately followed by a brief questionnaire to further develop understanding, concluding with a criminal background check. The amount of time to complete this program can vary, but please allow up to 90 minutes.
2. The refresher training, "Safe Environment MANDATORY 5 Year Renewal Training" includes a video entitled 'Protecting Vulnerable Adults' and is offered five years after taking the initial training. This training course is one 20-minute video providing information on how to recognize and report suspected abuse and neglect of adults who are unable to care for themselves, concluding with a criminal background check. Please allow up to 30 minutes to complete this program.
These trainings are each good for five (5) years and are available in both English and Spanish.
Do not let financial hardship delay registration. If you need to make arrangements for a payment plan or discuss scholarship opportunities, contact the Director of your child's program.
Parishioner Price: $65
Price increase on August 1st to: $80
Non-Parishioner Price: $150
All students preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation are required to have a copy of their Baptismal Certificate on file. If your child was not baptized at St. Bernadette Church, please provide us with the original Baptism certificate. We will then make a copy for our files and return the original to you.
First Reconciliation and First Communion: The celebration of First Reconciliation and First Communion usually occurs during the 2nd grade year for most students who have been baptized, and who are in their second consecutive year of Faith Formation. Older students who have not received either of these Sacraments are eligible if they have been baptized, and are in their second consecutive year of Faith Formation.
Our expectations are that the students will do their best to keep their hearts and minds open to the faith, respect each other and the property, and to learn to be fully active and conscious participants of our faith at Mass and in their daily lives. The leaders will do their best to guide the student’s behavior with love and compassion, redirect when possible, and if needed, contact the parent for help with solutions.
The St. Bernadette Parent Faith Formation Handbook was created to outline our policies and programs. By signing the Parent and Student Acknowledgement section on our registration form, you are acknowledging that you have reviewed a copy of the St. Bernadette Faith Formation Handbook.
You are also accepting responsibility to read and understand your commitment to the program and to cooperate with the parish policies set forth in the handbook. The parent is responsible for reviewing the applicable policies with their student so that they will understand their commitment and cooperation in their St. Bernadette Faith Formation Programs. Any questions should be directed to the appropriate grade-level Director of Faith Formation.
St. Bernadette Catholic Church Faith Formation Program reserves the right to amend this handbook, as necessary. Parents will be notified electronically by the Faith Formation Team if changes are made to any procedures or information contained in this handbook.